Should You Try Cosplay Sex

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  1. What Is Cosplay Sex And Should You Try It?  

    Women’s Health says that while a lot of cosplay sex (having sex while in costume) may be pretty low-key some scenarios can get a little more intense.

    If you have an active imagination and like the idea of having sex while pretending you’re someone else (or someTHING else), cosplay sex could be a fun and satisfying thing to try, says sex therapist D.H.S. Debra Laino, to Women’s Heatlth.

    When you engage in a sexual role play fantasy you probably try to bring your partner in by saying something like “let’s pretend that…”, but with cosplay sex you actually feel like you are the character from the start. So you’re not only dressed up as that character, but also play the role from foreplay to climax.

    While there are no statistics on just how common is, cosplay sex seems to be rising in popularity with events where people can engage in standard cosplay, like Comic-Con and anime conventions.

    Laino told the magazine that for some people cosplay sex is a lifestyle, preferring to have sex in character every time they have sex. But if it makes you feel uncomfortable, or you’re not into fantasy role playing, it’s probably better for you to take a pass.

    Women’s Health

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