Mastering the Art of Sensational Phone Sex

In today’s digital age, long-distance relationships and the desire for intimate connections beyond physical proximity have led to the rise of phone sex as a popular and fulfilling form of erotic expression. While it may seem daunting at first, with a little guidance and an open mind, you can embark on a journey of pleasure, exploration, and connection through the realm of phone sex. Here are a few playful tips and techniques to help you have truly remarkable phone sex experiences.

Establish trust and consent

Before diving into any intimate conversation, it is crucial to establish trust and obtain consent from all participating parties. Set boundaries, discuss expectations, and ensure that everyone involved feels comfortable and enthusiastic about engaging in phone sex. Consent should be ongoing, and you can check in with your partner(s) throughout the experience to ensure everyone is still on the same page.

Create the right environment

To fully immerse yourself in the phone sex experience, create a comfortable and private environment. Find a quiet space where you can relax and focus on the conversation without distractions. Consider dimming the lights, playing soft music, or even wearing something that makes you feel sexy. Setting the mood can help enhance the overall experience for both you and your partner(s).

Engage your senses

Since phone sex lacks physical presence, it’s essential to focus on engaging your senses through words, tone, and imagination. Paint vivid pictures with your words, describe sensations, and pay attention to the tone of your voice. Utilize descriptive language, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different voices, whispers, or moans to intensify the experience.

Embrace active listening

Active listening plays a vital role in phone sex. Pay close attention to your partner’s cues, both verbal and nonverbal, and respond accordingly. Encourage your partner(s) to express their desires, fantasies, and preferences, and be responsive to their needs. Mutual communication and feedback are key to ensuring that everyone involved is enjoying themselves.

Explore fantasies and role-play

Phone sex offers a safe and imaginative space to explore fantasies and indulge in role-play scenarios. Discuss your desires and ask your partner(s) about their fantasies. Create characters, scenarios, and narratives that excite you both. Remember, consent and mutual agreement are crucial throughout the role-playing experience.

Utilize props and sexting

Incorporating props and sexting can heighten the pleasure during phone sex. Consider sending suggestive texts, photos, or even videos to intensify the anticipation and build excitement. Utilize toys or other objects that can enhance your physical sensations. However, ensure that everyone involved is comfortable with these additions and respects each other’s boundaries.

Experiment with different techniques

Phone sex can be a platform for exploration and experimentation. Try out different techniques, dirty talk, or even introduce games to spice things up. Feel free to express your desires and fantasies, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to new experiences. Remember, communication is key, so discuss your ideas with your partner(s) and seek mutual consent before trying something new.

Mastering the Art of Phone Sex

Phone sex can be an incredibly gratifying and intimate experience, allowing you to explore your desires and connect with your partner(s) on a deep level. By establishing trust, creating a comfortable environment, engaging your senses, and communicating openly, you can unlock a world of pleasure and eroticism through the power of your voice. Remember to always prioritize consent, mutual respect, and open communication, ensuring that everyone involved enjoys a truly remarkable phone sex encounter.

How to Begin Your Sexual Role Playing Adventure

For some, the phrase ‘role play’ can send a shiver of excitement down our spines, but for others it’s might be more an uncomfortable chill of fear. But it doesn’t have to be. Many people find it easier than others to develop a new ‘part-time’ persona to explore sexual situations they normally would never do, which allows allows them to experience greater fulfillment and brings them closer to their partner.

A recent survey said that 73% of couples had experimented with role play at some time in their lives, but if you’re a beginner, how do you get into it without feeling weird?

handcuffed BDSM girl's breasts

Annabelle Knight,a leading Relationship & Sex Expert in the UK, gives practical advice for first time role players to First, know what you want. Annabelle says if you’re thinking about bringing role play to your sex life it’s important to think about what you want to get out of it, and choose the right role playing situations that fit. For example, if you want to try bondage for the first time and you don’t want to just be “yourself”, try a police themed role play scenario and use handcuffs. Want to play the more submissive type? Try playing the secretary and boss, or doctor/nurse role playing themes.

Then, once you know what you want, talk through it. Annabelle suggests that you explain exactly what you want to happen in your role-playing sex fantasy. If your partner knows exactly what you’re after it’s easier to improvise around the ‘plot’.

After you plan your theme and choose your outfit, ie; police officer, business suit, nurse outfit, etc., think about your “setting”. Are you in an interrogation room, a business office, classroom, hospital bed? Try to make your setting fit the feel.

Other beginner role playing ideas could include acting as sexy strangers that meet for the first time somewhere, like at a local hotel bar, or even playing a hitchhiker. Wear a wig or other disguise, develop your stories, and let the flirtation begin!

Judy Garland Loved to Role Play During Sex, and the Munchkins Were Horny

Judy Garland Loved Role Play Sex in the Bedroom

Judy Garland’s former lover, John Meyer, admitted that Judy loved to role play in the bedroom, and she loved sex. Speaking of their previous affair the couple had when Meyer was a 28 year old pianist and Judy Garland was 46, Meyer told People Magazine the pair “loved to laugh together.”

Meyer said that when talking about The Wizard of Oz, Judy would say, “The munchkins were a bunch of horny little guys and they were not above pinching my ass.” Meyer also said with a laugh, “And she made jokes about Toto’s bad breath.”

In the bedroom, Judy Garland liked role playing and have fun, Meyer said, “We did a lot of role playing… we’d do scenes back and forth and we’d make up our own improvs. She’d say ‘Tonight, you be the professor and I’ll be the student.’ It was a lot of fun. That was more important to her than the actual sex.”

Judy Garland publicity photo PlaySex[caption id=
Judy Garland Publicity Photo

Meyer said when Judy Garland moved into a spare bedroom in his parent’s Park Avenue apartment Judy was broke, and owed several million dollars to the IRS after her agent had embezzled most of her earnings. She was also divorced from her fourth husband, Mark Herron. She was booted out of St. Moritz Hotel in New York for not paying the bill, where she’d been living with her two younger children, Lorna and Joey Luft.

Meyer said, “She was broke, literally had nothing but a five dollar bill in her purse.”

Judy Garland Wizard of Oz original poster
Judy Garland, Wizard of Oz original poster

“I became her manager, her agent, her lover, her companion, the shoulder that she could lean on,” Meyer explained, “It was amazing. Her reality was that she would rely on the kindness of strangers.”

After they were kicked out of Meyer’s parents’ apartment, and ten days before Garland was traveling to London, Meyer became very sick with a fever of 104. Then Meyer explained. “That’s nothing. I’ve been on stage with 106,” Judy said. Then she dumped him.

Judy Garland and Fifth Husband Mickey Deans
Judy Garland and her fifth husband, Mickey Deans, whom she went to London for and married soon after.

When looking back on Judy Garland’s life, and reflecting on how she saw herself, Meyer said, “She thought her life was a gas, a ball,” he said. “She didn’t think her life was painful. She was funny. She experienced joy. She loved sex. She didn’t love food. She loved to sing and she loved the attention.”

“She was a compulsion, you know?” John told the magazine, “I realized that this mission of mine to restore Judy to her former greatness and be the guy who rescued her was not going to work.”

There is a renewed interest in the life of Judy Garland, who died of an accidental overdose in 1969, at least in part due to the 2019 biographical drama, “Judy” where Renee Zellweger played the starring role. For her incredible portrayal of Judy Garland, Zellweger won the Academy Award for Best Actress, as well as the Golden Globe Award, SAG Award, BAFTA Award and Critics’ Choice Movie Award. The hit movie followed Garland’s career during her last year of life when she relocated her stage career to Britain, combined with flashbacks of her teenage years. The film more prominently featured Garland’s most iconic role, Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz.

Judy Garland from the trailer for the film The Wizard of Oz
Judy Garland from the trailer for the film The Wizard of Oz

In Role Play Fantasy Gone Wrong Two Men Break into Wrong Home with Machetes

In a play sex fantasy gone horribly wrong, two men wielding machetes entered the wrong house in New South Wales, Australia. The men quickly realized their mistake but not before the awakening homeowner removed his sleep apnea mask to see the two men, and their machetes.

The sexual role play fantasy, which entailed the client being tied up in his underwear and stroked with a broom, was arranged on FaceBook for a fee. But by the time the role playing event was supposed to happen the client had moved, and evidently he forgot to tell the men his new address.

At 6:15 am, the resident at the old address noticed a light was on in his kitchen, but thought it was turned on by a friend who drops by every morning to make coffee. After the hired men called out the client’s name, the new resident turned the lights on and saw the pair standing above his bed with the machetes, which were apparently props for the role playing scenario.

After realizing their error one of the role players said, “Sorry, mate”, and shook the new resident’s hand before leaving for the correct address, where they were arrested.

The judge in the case concluded that “the facts of the case are unusual. He was willing to pay $5,000 if it was ‘really good’.”

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Ruling the evidence did not suggest the men’s actions were intentional, the judge said, “They carried the machetes either as a prop or something to use in that fantasy. The fantasy was unscripted and there was discretion as to how it would be carried out.”

One of accused men’s lawyer said, “It was a commercial agreement to tie up and stroke a semi-naked man in his underpants with a broom. Entry was not with intent to intimidate.”