Definition of consent in sex assault laws varies widely

  1. In sex assault laws, definition of consent varies widely 

    The definition of consent is a matter of intense debate, Is it a definite “yes”, or the of “no?” Legally, the definition varies widely across the nation.

    Erin Murphy, professor at New York University School of Law, said, “”Half the states don’t even have a definition of consent… one person’s idea of consent is that no one is screaming or crying. Another person’s idea of consent is someone saying, ‘Yes, I want to do this.’ And in between, of course, is an enormous spectrum of behavior, both verbal and nonverbal, that people engage in to communicate desire or lack of desire.”

    “It’s pretty telling that the critical thing most people look to understand the nature of a sexual encounter — this idea of consent — is one that we don’t even have a consensus definition of in our society.”

     Yahoo News