15 ‘Not Weird’ Sex Fantasies

  1. 15 Totally Normal Sex Fantasies You’re Not Weird for Having 

    Brides.com listed 15 “totally normal” sex fantasies that you wouldn’t be weird for having:

    Sex in public
    Role play
    Tying up your partner
    Sex with someone of the same gender, or opposite
    Sex on vacation
    Sex on vacation
    Sex with an ex
    Sex with someone other than your partner
    Domination and submission
    Sex with someone famous
    Sex with a stranger
    Having a threesome or gangbang

    After all, we ALL have sexual fantasies that are varied, and range from the lightest to the darkest extremes much like human sexuality itself. So don’t beat yourself up over-thinking about something you imagine is “wrong.” It’s not bad at all!
