Why it’s more important to have casual sex than you think

casual sex

  1. Why it’s more important to have casual sex than you think  

    Society has conditioned us to believe that sex has to have an emotional meaning to be good, but it’s perfectly normal you’d want to explore a more casual situation, and casual sex can help you discover what you do and don’t like as well as explore different sexual tastes that you might not want to try in a more serious relationship.

    Thisisinsider.com says it’s perfectly OK to want to explore casual sex with plenty of benefits for those who want to engage, “You can discover a lot about yourself; what you like and don’t like, what works for you,” says Gigi Engle, a sex educator and writer, “It’s a great way to meet interesting people and explore different sexual tastes you might not otherwise.”

    There are risks associated with any sexual situation, but Engle says, “We live in a society that has conditioned us to think sex has to have emotional meaning to be good, when you’ve been told having casual sex makes you a slut or if he, or she, doesn’t call you after, you’re worthless. Well, this can sting.”

    “Condoms… during penetration is not up for negotiation,” Engle added. “Yes, I do mean condoms during blow jobs and dental dams during oral sex. The fact of the matter is that 85 percent of people have some form of HPV (not to mention all the other STIs).”

    But casual sex might not be for everyone. Just like every other type of sex, from pegging to role play, What works for some may not work for others. “Having sex in a way that makes you feel good about yourself is the most important.” Engle said.


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